Open Source Database Conference


Open Source Database Conference
2002 年 2 月 14 日,15 日
東京都 新宿区
新宿住友ビル 住友ホール

Gold Sponsors


NEC ソフト

VA Linux Systems Japan K.K.
Silver Sponsors



カンファレンスの会場は新宿住友ビル B1F 住友ホールです.

2月14日 木曜日
-ご挨拶- 巨大Webサイトを支えるオープンソースDB
佐渡 秀治 (OSDN Japan統轄マネージャ)

日頃多くの人々が何気にアクセスしているWebサイトの多くはバックエンドで データベースを利用しています。そして、そのうちのかなりの数はオープンソー スのデータベースに支えられています。ここでは、SourceForge そして Slashdot 等の巨大サイトでの利用を紹介し、オープンソースデータベースの実力を 示します。

11:30 - 12:30: Web サイトのバックエンドとしての PostgreSQL
酒井 勉 (株式会社サンブリッジテクノロジーズ)

ユーザ登録、掲示板、ショッピングなど、Web サイトの裏側でデータベース を使用する局面は非常に増えています。このようなシステムにおいて、商用デー タベースではなくPostgreSQL を採用する利点、問題点を、実際にWeb アプリケー ション構築の現場から見た視点でご紹介します。
<講演資料 (PDF)

12:30 - 13:30: お昼休み
13:30 - 14:30: PostgreSQLを活用したWebシステム構築の実際
佐藤 克 (NECソフト株式会社 サーバソリューション事業部 マネージャ)

Webシステムを開発・構築する場合、特にミドルレンジ以下のシステムの場合 には、データベースとしてオープンソースであるPostgreSQLを活用することは、 コストパフォーマンスの点で非常に有効な手段と言えると思います。 今回は当社にてPostgreSQL+Enhydraをベースとして構築したWebシステムの事例を 紹介いたします。また、PostgreSQLを導入した場合のメリットやデメリット、適用 領域、Oracleとの製品比較などについてシステムプロバイダとしての立場で考察 しながら、業務システムとしてのPostgreSQLの実力度と可能性について探ってみ たいと思います。
<講演資料 (PDF)

14:45 - 15:45:
<英/日 同時通訳>
MySQL:A Commercial OpenSource Project

David Axmark (MySQL AB.)
photo Biograph:David is one of the Founders of MySQL and has been working with MySQL since before it had a name. Before MySQL took over all time David worked as software consultant for over 15 years. The things he did included A State of the art Market research system (CommonLISP + CLOS + MySQL's ISAM) and A Advanced Business graphics package (in 32k RAM). He has written many lines of code in 6502 and Z80 assembler,BASIC, C, CommonLisp, (Bourne)-Shell and Perl. His involvement with MySQL started with the idea to make a OpenSource SQL server to replace the old terminal based tool (UNIREG). In MySQL David has worked with strategy, commercial aspects, installation, documentation and holding talks and tutorials. Hobbies include hiking (including top of Mt. Fuji),Ultimate and discgolf. David lives in Uppsala, Sweden with his family,plants and computers.

Abstract: MySQL is a different from other OpenSource projects since it was started as a commercial AND OpenSource database developed by a company. Most other databases was either introduced by 'normal' proprietary commercial companies or the result of university research.
This lead to some different goals since MySQL development was driven by commercial users from day one.
The main benefits of using MySQL are Speed, Robustness and Usability -- the three cornerstones valued by our users since Day Zero.
We have since added many features, such as Replication, Transactions, Row-level Locking -- always without compromising the fundamental cornerstones.
In Japan MySQL AB has is working through our local partner Soft Agency who provides MySQL services in Japanese.
Due to good support of all main varieties of Japanese characters, MySQL is heavily-used also in Japan, with over 1500 active subscribers on the mailing list and multiple books published in Japanese.
With well over 10000 server downloads per day and an estimated 3 millions installations the MySQL Database system (TM) is one of the world's most used SQL databases.

<講演資料 (PDF)>

16:00 - 17:00:
<英/日 同時通訳>
Active Databases

Ann Harrison(IBPhoenix)
photo Biography: Ann Harrison was the third employee of InterBase Software. Her major role was in engineering where she was the liaison documentation, support, & marketing and project leader for most maintenance releases. She left InterBase in 1991 when Borland acquired the company, but stayed in contact with the InterBase users through support lists. When Borland decided to release the sources of InterBase in 1999, Ann was asked to start a company that could support and co-ordinate the open-source project. Borland eventually decided to release the sources but keep the product in house. Since then Ann has worked with IBPhoenix to provide support and services to users of InterBase and the Firebird fork. Prior to joining InterBase, Ann worked in the database and database advanced development departments at DEC.

Abstract: InterBase is a new open-source database with a long history. It has been in commercial use for seventeen years - running silicon furnaces, managing test data for major commercial airline manufacturers, and in thousands of other applications. When the InterBase sources were released in July of 2000, an eager group of open source developers were ready to contribute. When their efforts were unsuccessful, they created a fork, called Firebird.
How are InterBase and Firebird different from other open-source databases? Aside from its commercial heritage, it pioneered a concept that we called "active database", meaning that processing information is stored in the database and associated with the data it affects. My talk focuses on the needs served by the active database features.

<講演資料 (PDF)>

Open Source Database Conference

OSDN 事務局